015 - The End is Near
Never fear. Armageddon is not upon us. I’m talking about the continuous suffering us Melbournian or the greater Australian car enthusiasts have had to endure over the past 18-20 months. Now hold on! This won’t be some political subject where I tell you what to do. I wouldn’t listen to me either and there’s far worse things happening right now. What I will ask though, is that when this is all said and done. You get up, take that trickle charger off your car that you poured endless time and effort into, and just drive it.
We’re all chomping at the bits to get back out there it seems. Attending car shows, motorsport events. Even just catching up with friends or taking some time for yourself and heading out for a long distant drive is what I’m looking forward to mostly.
As the newest addition of the Krawlerz team (I’ll formally introduce myself in a later post) I wanted my first publication to push some positivity in the direction of my fellow car buddies. Some of us in Australia have been limited to using our cars as click-and-collect carriages or grocery getters for what seems like forever.
But the light is at the end of the metaphorical tunnel. So, with that in mind, roll down the windows, knock it down a gear or two and go as hard you can to enjoy as much of the car culture as it finds it way back into normality.
Thanks for reading,